Bright Ideas for Energy

Eco-friendly solar energy: why more people are taking a shine to it

Scotland isn't blessed with the most sunshine in the world! But when it comes to solar energy that's no problem, because with today's solar panel technology, you can capture the sun's energy and turn it into electricity... even on a cloudy day. That's why this clean, green, cost-effective energy source is worth exploring.

Cut Your Bills

Sunlight is free! Once you've paid to install your solar electricity panels, you will start to reduce your ongoing energy costs.

Get Funding Up Front

Solar panels qualify for funding / grants under the Energy Saving Trust interest-free scheme. We can help you apply.

Generate Energy Income

With current legislation, you can sell any surplus energy you generate back to National Grid.

Reduce Your Footprint

Solar energy is a green renewable energy, free from harmful CO2 and other pollutants.

A Reliable Energy Source

The solar panels use photovoltaics (PV), capturing the sun's energy effectively, even on dull days.


Solar PV panels require hardly any maintenance; once they're in place they are easy to clean and long-lasting too.

Ask us about Solar Panel Electricity

You can have up-to 10kW on your roof or ground

Solar panels or tiles? Let the Energy Store help you decide what's best

Solar energy can be captured using either solar panels or solar tiles (in place of roof tiles). Tiles cost more and are usually recommended if there is a planning or aesthetic concern. We can help you choose the best option. Get in touch today.